
ON DEMAND: Sungrow Expert training: Commercieel portfolio - Optimaliseer uw projecten (English)

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Mr Alexander Krawczyk

Product Manager Sungrow



Welcome and brief overview of the agenda
General Sungrow inverter portfolio
Overview of the available models and their features
Which inverter models suit different solar projects?

2.What's new at Sungrow?
Discussion of recent developments and product improvements
Overview of the newest inverters and their features

3. CX vs P2 version
What is the difference between the old version of the CX and the P2 version
Which one is better for the specific solar projects

4. Inverter Accessories
Which accessories should the clients use in which situation
How can accessories enhance the performance of the inverters

5. Lower LCEO and its importance
What is LCOE and its importance in solar energy systems
Explanation of the Lower LCEO and its significance in solar power plants

6.AFCI in Inverters
Why is AFCI important and how does it work
What percentage of competitors use AFCI standard in their inverters (market coverage)
The safety part of AFCI in inverters

7.Optimize your power plant
Tips and advice to get the maximum return from your solar energy system
Explanation on how to optimize the LCOE
Easy tricks and tips to apply in daily work

8. Q&A
Opportunity for participants to ask questions of the speakers

9. Where to buy Sungrow inverters
Overview of the Sungrow authorized distributors and sales channels